Trapped in Addiction?

We Are Here to Help.

Yes! I want to help with a special year end gift!

Why Choose Adult & Teen Challenge BC?

Transformation – Not Treatment

Treatment is important, but transformation is key. At Adult & Teen Challenge BC, our main focus is on Christ. Our programs depend on the power of God’s word to provide our students with a guiding light.

Discipleship & Evangelism

Through our Bible-based curriculum, students learn how to apply God’s Word to their lives. They also learn to recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives, invite God to help them overcome their life-controlling problems, and become more like Christ.

Long-Term Live-in Programs

Our live-in program is a minimum of 12 months in length, with an 18-month additional Successful Living component after graduation. This timeframe provides ample opportunity for men and women to confront their destructive choices, their self-sabotaging behavior, and their unhealthy views. It then gives them a safe place to establish a new “normal”— assured of the love of God and under the guidance of Biblical principles.

Our Program

We exist to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive!

Our Locations

We have locations for adult men and women. Click the links below to learn more.

Donate a Vehicle

We provide no-charge, hassle-free pickup of any towable vehicle in any condition. You receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the vehicle! All proceeds help to support the operating costs at local centres. Support the program of your choice today!

Get Involved

Do you want to be a part of the work being done at Adult & Teen Challenge BC? Click the link below to request info on volunteer opportunities at our locations. 

We Want to Pray For You

We believe in the power of prayer! Use the link below to submit a prayer request for our team to pray over.