We’re here to help heal the whole person – to become mentally sound, emotionally healthy, socially equipped, physically well, and spiritually alive.

We strive to help men and women recover from substance abuse problems. “Abuse” in this sense means to foster a form of unhealthy dependence on a regular basis.

We hold strictly to the philosophy that the individual must desperately and sincerely desire to change. Their attitude and actions must remain consistent with this desire.

Our ministry is based entirely upon the belief that a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, is the only way to find permanent and lasting freedom.
Our mentoring is not psychological or therapeutic in nature, but follows biblical counseling in perspective and application. Neither are we a “drug rehabilitation program”, but a Christian discipleship program specifically structured towards those with life-controlling problems.
We strive to see men and women become new creations in Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We are non-denominational, of Pentecostal heritage.
We teach our students to excel in all aspects of life skills and character, as they learn integrity, responsibility, work ethic, self-discipline, structure, values, and morals.
We prepare our students to re-enter society as productive and valued citizens, followers of Jesus Christ, faithful husbands/wives, dedicated fathers/mothers, outstanding employees, healthy and balanced individuals – completely free of addiction.
Adult & Teen Challenge BC deals with the students’ problems as symptoms that relate to deeper problems and conflicts. Instead of escaping their problems they find, through a new life in Jesus Christ, the changing power that gives them the ability to overcome problems and live a more effective life.
The rebuilding of abused minds and emotions is of key importance. The study of the Bible enhances mental growth by serving as the foundation for the restructuring of broken-down thought patterns, creating new, more stable ways of life. Spiritual guidance with experienced staff members help individuals resolve questions and conflicts that they are facing.
Adult & Teen Challenge BC cares for all of our students’ needs over the course of the year program -providing them with a safe and comfortable home, nutritious food, clothing, and recreation in a drug-free environment.
There are tremendous benefits within a community living situation. Students are encouraged to work through relationship problems in order to successfully relate to family and peers while in the program, and once they complete their time. Such interaction promotes a strong character of moral fiber, right attitudes and desires.
Students engage in foundational bible based teaching through Personal and Group studies. They become anchored in God's truth for their identity and lives. They learn to be attuned to the Holy Spirit's leading - each day walking in more freedom as followers of Christ.